Check out previous designs here:

What we REALLY want for Christmas!
All I want for Christmas is a little more time!
Anyone else love the holiday season, but hate the rush? I propose we figure out a way to stop the clock just long enough to get caught up (better yet, maybe a little ahead) and then jump into the happiest season of all. I just need to find a way to make it all happen and still get some sleep!
As a little girl one of my fondest memories of Christmas was going to my Uncle Glade’s hardware store in Ashton, Idaho, the day after Thanksgiving for the big unveiling of Christmas toys. That was long before the super store days where big toy displays were available all year round. In Ashton, the Christmas Holiday started the day after Thanksgiving.
Well, things have changed, and it’s not all bad, it just starts earlier. As excited as I was to start selling Christmas, I just couldn’t start posting my new Christmas ideas until Halloween was in the box.
I hope you love these three new collections as much as I do. The first two are designs by Anne Kelle: “The Reindeer” and “The Polar Bears.” They were originally designed for Robert Kauffman and done in flannel, then Shannon Fabrics bought the designs and did them on Cuddle 3. They are so warm and cheery. The third is “Penguin Showmen” done by Shannon Fabrics and is such a happy way to say “Merry Christmas!”
I love to give Christmas blankets with a favorite Christmas story book for Thanksgiving. It’s a wonderful way to start sharing the memories and feelings of Christmas.
Consider giving one of these easy to make cozy blankets to your loved ones this year, and they'll feel your love all year long.
Enjoy the Holiday Season!