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Quilters and Gifts for Dad
It’s June!! That means the weather is going to be warm and the flowers are here. I love this time of year.
Quilt Market was amazing. It was worth all the work and planning. The best part of going to Market is meeting so many wonderful people. Quilters are so great. There is something to learn from everyone. As I reflected on my experience there I came up with the top ten things I learned:
1. 1) Bamboo Batting makes a soft minkey quilt even softer. It adds just a little body to already amazing Cuddle Quilts for a softness that makes The Perfect Blanket.
2. 2) You can appliqué Cuddle and make some pretty impressive wall hangings and quilts. Just don’t iron too hot or long if you want to keep the texture.
3. 3) Area rugs are awesome made with Cuddle. Use a canvas backing, a thin batting, your favorite background and then add some appliqué. Just add some row by row borders using different textures. A prayer rug made of cuddle could inspire you.
4. 4) You can use a glue stick on a small row by row project and it works just as well as spray glue.
5. 5) Quilts made with a mixture of cotton, Cuddle and ric-rack make a really fun quilt.
6. 6) Quilters will travel for miles to learn a few new tricks. I think we are like trout going home to spawn. No road is too long or hard to connect with another quilter. There were quilters there from all over the world.
7. 7) Everybody loves to snuggle a cuddle quilt. Everyone that came into our booth came to touch and feel and then look.
8. 8) There is a great product called Heat Press Batting Together. It fuses batting together. I’m excited to try it.
9. 9) You should always travel with your sister. I took mine with me and she did a great job of keeping me on task. Besides, we laughed a lot.
10) The best quilt there was the Fancy Leopard Deluxe Cuddle Quilt.
It’s a long, soft fur accented with the Soft Cuddle back. It is an amazing quilt. In fact, I loved making it so much I bought all the fabrics so I could have it on my site.
I know it’s late, but this would be a great Father’s Day gift! (It doesn’t have to be finished; you could just give him a kit!)
Check it out; it comes with the free pattern.
Row by Row quilts have become the trademark for Shannon Fabrics. It was so fun to teach people how fun and easy these quilts really are. Watch the site for the new colors and patterns. The Fancy Leopard Deluxe Cuddle Quilt throw is 60” x 72” and is ready to ship.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men in our life, and enjoy summer!!
Pat Wodskow