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What's Inside the Cuddle Soft Quilt Kits?
Ready to order your Cuddle Soft Quilt Kit?
Use this handy check list to make sure you have everything you need to make your Cuddle Soft Quilt!Cuddle Soft Quilt Kit (Includes)
* Pre-Cut Ready to Sew Strips
* A Free Quilt Pattern that co-ordinates with the Cuddle Soft Quilt Kit you have ordered.
You will also need:

All Backs are longer than needed, to allow fabric for binding the quilt.
You will need to cut the following strips off the end for the binding:
For Baby Quilt Kits - cut four 2" strips; For Adult Quilt Kits - cut six 2" strips

* Spray Adhesive
We call this "Nervous-Breakdown-Repellant". This fabulous spray stabilizes
the strips as you sew; keeping them from slipping and sliding, allowing you
to make a beautiful, flat quilt.

* Needles
I recommend a size 90 Schmetz Stretch Needle - this works the very best for
this kind of fabric.

* Batting (optional)
Adding a batting adds warmth and body to the quilt. Our favorite is "Warm Bond" by
The Warm Co. It is an 80 cotton/20 polyester blend. This terrific batting adds great
warmth without too much bulk. Available in two sizes:
63 x 90 for Adult quilt kits; 50 x 60 for baby quilt kits.